Poetry Submissions -
Here is one to get the ball rolling - "Solstice" by Etienne Muller
"Much of my apparel have I left by the way" - Michael Muller
"The last addiction " - Michael Muller
"Emerald Isle" - Maggie Cusick
"Come Home" - Maggie Cusick
"Deep song of the dolphin" - Maggie Cusick - Short story
"Tango" - Maggie Cusick
"Vignette of Eire" - Cheryl Bobbitt
"I am Herne, I am Cerne" - Robert Fleming
"The Wild Man" - Robert Fleming
"Ode to Timothy Downing" - Shaun Timothy FitzPatrick
"The Merry Fairies of Kerry" - Kathleen Burns Bender